Gočárova Galerie

With Markéta Brávková

This project is in LAB category which groups unpublished designs, sketches, un-picked proposals or experiments.

Logo and identity proposal for the new name of the Gallery of East Bohemia. The competition, held by the Czech design agency, marked the gallery’s transition to its new name, Gočár’s Gallery, as well as its move to new premises. Located in renovated buildings of former mill built by an icon of Czech functionalism, the gallery aims to widen its reach. We made two proposals following the brief – one based on Gočár’s own font, second reflecting the architecture of the mill.


A proposal based on Gočár’s own typeface according to the brief.

A second design concept that reflects the architecture of the new location. Typography is accompanied by generative graphic shapes. These are generated randomly based on a combination of date and theme.